Burned Wings [南风] (2012)

A more recent take on a group of young thugs this time in the northern seaside city of Huludao (Liaoning province). Well worth watching if somewhat uneven. The handsome Ming [Yang Shicong] is the leader of a small group of gangsters though how they earn their living is never very clear. They are involved in… Continue reading Burned Wings [南风] (2012)

Fujian Blue [金碧辉煌] (2007)

A lively take on a group of young criminals in a booming China. The film is divided into two segments. In the first (Neon Knights) we see our young heroes as they career around Fuqing city. The film shows a montage of large mansions, nightclubs and wanted criminal posters. Fujian apparently has a long history… Continue reading Fujian Blue [金碧辉煌] (2007)

Twisted Strings [良辰吉時] (2022)

An unusual Taiwanese (seven episode) series with Hou Hsiao-hsien as executive producer. It has been described by the director as a satirical anthology of selfishness, greed and ignorance. The first episode focuses on a squabbling family of three siblings who have come together to 'grieve' the loss of their farther. But the twist is that… Continue reading Twisted Strings [良辰吉時] (2022)

Stranger’s Street [客村街] (2003)

Stranger's Street is one of several independent films influenced by the early Sixth Generation which focus on realistic urban stories set in an actually existing China (and are shot on a low budget). The film focuses on two migrant workers in Guangzhou. He [Yuan Kongbin] is a medical salesman struggling to sell his goods, originally… Continue reading Stranger’s Street [客村街] (2003)

Modern China on CathayPlay

A number of shorts on CathayPlay loosely grouped because of their concern with Chinese modernity. Summer Dream [下沙牛一] (2018) A striking short film (22 minutes) set in a neon-lit Shenzhen. Zhang Niuyi [Wang Yanshin] is a private detective. Xiasha [the beautiful Zheng Liyi] is a thief who works, in part, for a local gangster. Their paths… Continue reading Modern China on CathayPlay

Flowers or poisonous weeds? Three satires from the 1950s

This post looks at three satirical films from 1956-57 - around the time of the Hundred Flowers campaign - directed by Lv Ban. Todays these look like mild satire but, at the time, they ended the film career of the longstanding filmmaker and staunch Communist. Lv Ban had been a film actor in the 1930s… Continue reading Flowers or poisonous weeds? Three satires from the 1950s